Your Thoughts Matter 


On average a person will have at least 50,000 thoughts per day. As I mom I can see how our thoughts can add up. When we wake up we think about our day, what we are going to wear, the errands we have to run, the appointments that need schedule, the bills that need paid, etc. This is all before we walk out of our front door. During the day we fight with negative thoughts. Sometimes the negative thoughts win and other times they don’t. Each one is powerful and have the ability to make our break our day. 

Negative thoughts can stop you from being great, it can hinder your day in a split second. It can cause you to not be productive, not make the phone call you needed to make or pay the bill you planned on paying today. It can send off negative vibes to other people, which can put you in a bad space. When we are not in a good mood we do not like to be bothered, (at least I know I don’t).

Negative thoughts have a way of getting the best of me at times. I have refused to write the blog from time to time, avoid a workout, or even not pursue any goals that I set for myself. My thoughts can have me go to work, come home, lay in the bed and not think anything of it. At times, I put so many things off it became hard to get back on track. I am aware of my thoughts now, and I know what I need to do to roll those negative thoughts off of my back!

We have to shift the way we think and acknowledge when we are down. We have to figure out what is making us upset and get to the root of our negative behaviors. Acknowledging these thoughts are vital and can be life changing. Here are a few things you can do to change your mood:

  • Talk to someone uplifting

  • Read a good book

  • Watch a comedy

  • Practice self care

For myself, I have to be mindful of my surroundings. What makes me upset and who triggers my mood? Have you ever talked to someone who never appears to have a good day? Despite who they are in your life, you have to make sure you keep your distance. Energy bounces off of someone and can lead to you. I realized my time and who I spend it with is valuable. Whenever I am in a negative mood I think back on who I spend my last twenty-four hours with. If the mood is something I can change I do just that. I may read something motivating, reading affirmation cards, or surround myself around someone I know that is uplifting.

We have to learn how to identify our thoughts. I say that because we can think about one thing and five minutes later think about something totally different. We can get off task in just seconds causing unproductively and learning to another unproductive day. We have to manage our thoughts for the sake of our future.  

Of course this is easier said than done, yet it is obtainable. If you have issues dealing with negative thoughts, talk to someone about it. Don’t hold it in. If someone is not around at the moment, write it down. Get it out of yours system so you can start the process of healing. It’s important for your mental health. 

We all want to to accomplish our goals at the beginning of the day. We have to figure out how to maintain that same attitude during the mid day, in the afternoon, evening, and even before we get to bed. When we get things done we are in a better space and that’s a good feeling.

We live in a negative world and in today’s society we hear more good than bad news. We have to learn how to meditate, do deep breathing, and self care. When we take care of ourselves we feel good about it and that puts us in a positive mood. Your thoughts matter and its time we do something about the negative ones. 

Question: What are some things you do to change your mood? How did it help?

Let’s talk about it. I look forward to reading your comments and connecting with your below.
