5 Tips to Tackling COIVD -19 for Your Mental Wellness — Helpful Living Magazine


5 Tips to Tackling COIVD -19 for Your Mental Wellness

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For weeks, Americans all over the country sat in front of their TV screens engrossed in the news of the Corona Virus or COVID-19. People are forced to stay home as companies acted fast. Governors forced stay at home orders and shut down a lot of businesses. Bars, restaurants, libraries, churches, and any place where people congregate are closed to avoid any spreading of the Corona Virus. Parents are obligated to work and parent under one roof, as schools and daycare shut their doors to non essential employees. This can make homestyle living a little…hectic.

A lot of people were excited to work from home as they depend on technology in a new way. Companies hosting conference calls online as they continue to pursue ongoing workloads. Some glitches and hiccups occur but as organizations transition communicating digitally conversations becomes easier each day. However, balancing parenthood and being an active employee comes with its challenges. It’s not easy and a break sounds nearly impossible nowadays. The limitations of going to the park or outside is difficult, especially when the nation has to practice social distancing. To top it off stores are closed significantly early along with a state wide curfew for some states starting at 8:00pm.

Now more than ever, our mental wellbeing is challenged. Especially for extroverts who love to be around people. There’s a sense of acceptance and protection when we are with the people we love. Laughter is the best medicine and at this point we have to work a little harder to maintain relationships outside of our home.

It is easy to become isolated from everyone. This can cause issues for those who struggle mentally. Separation can trigger thoughts, which can lead to a path of depression and/or anxiety. Be mindful how you spend your idle time, if negative thoughts become an ongoing issue talk to someone about it. And honestly, you don’t have to be dealing with anything negative, just reaching out to someone to discuss your feelings has its benefits. This is the best time to talk to someone, and now with technology if you don’t have to see a therapist in person. And with the America practicing social distancing the best way to deal with your issues is virtually. Better Help is a place where you can go find a therapist if you haven’t already located one.

Therapist are having conversations with their clients about virtual therapy. And for some clients its the best alternative. Being in your own environment is helpful, especially during this time for our country. Commonly people struggle with keeping appointments with busy schedules. Limited availability before and after work hours are slim and connecting with the right therapist can be difficult, but with Better Help there is an alternative to tackling your mental health.

5 Tips to Tackling COIVD -19 for Your Mental Wellness

Take Walks: if you are working from home, it’s important to step away from the computer and take your mind off of work for a few minutes. Staring at as screen is not ideal. Sadly we are on our phones, watching television, or on the computer more than ever. Take time to give your eyes a rest. Spring is here and what way to enjoy it than to be outside. The walk can be as short as five minutes or as long as an hour, however long you decide to be outside…enjoy it.

Meditate: this allows us to focus on our breathing and try to control the thoughts we have running through our heads. There are so much uncertainty we are dealing with regarding “quarantine living”. Mindfulness has a website where they practice meditation. It is easy to join and most importantly it’s free. Schedule time out of your day to meditate and if you are having issues with separating yourself with you children, they can partake in it as well.

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Call A Loved One: I recently checked on my grandmother and it was so good to hear her voice. Daily live demands us to take care of the things and people in front of us, like our spouse and children, however it leaves little room for us to check on our older relatives. My grandmother was just as excited as I was when she picked up the phone. We talked about the old times and conversed about wisdom. Calling her made me happy and she was vocal about being happy hearing from me. Just knowing someone was on your mind is always a good feeling, and the feelings is commonly mutual.

Schedule Family Time: this may be the opposite of what you want to do. But making family time a priority could promote to positive interactions. Watching a movie together on the big screen, popping some popcorn and having a movie night is great for families. Have a game night or doing an activity can boost positive energy and allow you to engage with each other without the noise of social media or any other distractions. LifeAsMama website has some activities that can help you build a closer and better bond with your family.

Get Dressed: I make an intentional decision to get dressed and put clothes on. I stay away from my bedroom and go downstairs to work. I also get my son dressed and ready as if he was going to daycare. It is something about getting out of our sleep clothes that helps us with our day. If we stay in bed (or at least I know if I do) it allows us to feel lazy and unproductive. We have to continue to do our best to look good, because looking good makes us also feel good. A nice hot shower and some clean clothes is a great way to start the day. As well as a balanced meal. Don’t be a couch potato, have some productivity and target one goal for the day. If that goal is to get through your emails…then do it. If it’s to help your child with their schoolwork…then do that too. Be certain to accomplish any goal. No goal is too small and the feeling of accomplishing things is a great feeling overall.

I found things that I have neglected over the years. I cleaned the linen closet, the coat closet, and even under the sink cabinet. Those are places I often ignore and when I was able to declutter and noticed the improvement, which made me I feel better.

ChangeDirection.org has a list of ways to stay mentally healthy during the Corona Virus. Be sure to read and apply the skills to have a better feeling. Also, for those who do not have anything to do. Please know there are education courses at Yale. Take advantage of this education and occupy your mind with well needed information. You can also get a certificate for only $49. So while you are quarantine in your home, you will also receive education from Yale. This is something to brag about.

Oh and most importantly do not immerse yourself with the news or social media regarding the Corona Virus. Having an obsession can cause additional or unwanted anxiety. There is nothing wrong with watching the news here and there, however being glued to the television will not change the situation. So stay safe, remember to be aware of your surroundings and practice the tips listed above.

We will get through this.

I hope this information was helpful. Be safe and stay healthy.
